About the project
Promoting Inclusion and Motivation Through Peer Support
Here you can get general information about our project and read about Erasmus +.

Promoting Inclusion and Motivation Through Peer Support is a collaboration between 4 schools in Sweden, Scotland, Germany and The Netherlands. This project aims to address barriers to learning which exist in different national contexts and will enable pupils to access positive destinations within a socially inclusive context.
This project aims to help groups of pupils to engage in inclusive activities such as meeting the needs of others, such as newcomers at school or others struggling with both social and language barriers. An additional aim is to target high achieving pupils who are not reaching their potential, to find out why and how we can help them. Through peer support we want to enable one group of pupils to help another. This will be a guiding star throughout the project as all activities will lead to a stronger self-esteem, encouraging the participants to be active in a social context.
About Erasmus+
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Within Erasmus+ there are several different options for participation. This project is within the field of Strategic partnerships which is meant to support innovation in the sector as well as joint initiatives to promote cooperation, peer-learning, and the sharing of experience.
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