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The main theme in Germany was Peer Support. The students explored how establishments use students to help others in the school with a variety of needs. These needs included assistance with homework, study skills, overcoming barriers to learning, challenging home circumstances, bullying etc. The students explored the concepts on how to successfully help peers deal with these issues. Specific attention was given to Thunes Four Ears Model. Students learnt about the potential messages conveyed when communicating and how people may misunderstand the meaning of a statement / what is being said. Students discussed and explored the best way to have a successful Peer Discussion / Counselling session. This was achieved by a range of approaches including role playing different scenarios. Smart goals were explored as a way of helping peers when counselling them through difficult issues. A significant outcome of this meeting was the publishing of different guides to aid establishments implementing peer support.


Learning activities

Learning activities
  1. Chinese Whispers (in groups of 12)

Get together in your groups and play a round of Chinese Whispers (ADD INSTRUCTIONS FROM PROGRAMME)Write down what you have heard on a flash card. Once the sentence has gone round the group, put your flash cards on the ground and discuss when and why things started “going wrong”. Transfer your results to communication in general. How, when and why does communication go wrong?


Sentence:“Two tiny frogs ate fat flying flies.” (prepare for other teachers auf flash card)

2. Discommunication as transfer to Schulz von Thun “Four ears model” (groups of 12)

  • Split into two groups and stand opposite to each other.

Tell the person in front of you your assigned sentence.

  • Within the big group talk about how you perceived the message in the text, for example how you felt.

Sentences: A) B)

b) theoretical input to Schulz von Thun with

- read the theory, if necessary discuss questions within group or with teachers

- in your big group use the four ears to listen to the sentences in different ways. Write them

onto the .

- Part Summery: With one sentence sum up, why you should be aware of the “four ears”

during a session. Finish the sentences: I should be aware, because…

3. Active Listening


A. Speed Dating

You are about to go on a speed date with six different students. You have two minutes to talk about whatever topic you like. After two minutes you will get a new person to talk to.

Reflect on what made talking to your “date” easy/difficult and on how you perceived your date’s body language.


B) Form a hierarchy of the different aspects of Active Listening. Which do you consider more important? (worksheet "acive listening")


C) Read the fact sheet about Active Listening. Highlight two phrases for ice-breakers and feedback that appeal to you personally and that you would like to try out during the role play on Thursday.



Workshop 1 - Introduction

​Discuss the possibilities and limits of peer support and write them down.

Possibilities                                                                 Limits

  • ​

Workshop 2 - Preparations

Before you actively practice working on a case tomorrow

  • inform yourself about the typical structure of a session (information sheet)

  • discuss why confidentiality is the key to solving many problems

  • come up with ideas on how to break the ice with a shy, intimidated or uncomfortable student

Design a cheat sheet that you can secretly use during the practice of the role play tomorrow. It should contain phrases and ideas in key words to the upper questions.

Workshop 3 - Asking Questions

In groups of six: Match the different ways of asking questions with the examples.

Workshop 4 - be SMART

Goals, e.g.  to solve a problem, should be SMART.

Inform yourself about the theory of SMART goals (information sheet). Within you group decide on a problem in your daily life that you would like to improve and set a SMART goal for it.

Workshop 5 - Silent Discussion

In what ways can intercultural differences have an impact on peer support? Please don’t talk, just react to each other by writing.

Role play

Role Play

Presentations and Toolkits

Presentations and tooolkits



Please see under "Results" for more information about the outcomes.

© 2016 by Sandagymnasiet in collaboration with Erasmus+.

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